Let's begin by describing Heroku.Heroku is a cloud application platform a new way of building and deploying web applications,(www.heroku.com). This guide provides the steps required for creating a Heroku account, instaling Heroku Toolbelt, configuration and last deployment in the Heroku environment.
- Go to https://toolbelt.heroku.com
- Hit the download button for you OS.
- Once you have created your Heroku account you give your credentials after typing in the command line
$ heroku login
Instal the Heroku-deploy plugin
- Create a folder for example termweb-heroku in your local drive.
- Go to the command line and navigate to the created folder from the previous step
- When you are in the targeted folder type in the command line
$ heroku create
4.You have now created a Dyno, your virtual environment ready for deploying your application. A random name will be assigned by Heroku, for example obscure-peak-95997
Deploying the .WAR file to Heroku
- In the folder you have created for your app in this case termweb-heroku you must have the following files: 1. .WAR file 2.Procfile.
- Procfile creation details go to: https://devcenter.heroku.com/articles/procfile
- As soon as all the required files are in the folder enter the command so as to deploy your code in Heroku:
$ heroku deploy:war --war <your war file> --app <your heroku app name>
Database connection
When Tomcat is installed, please refer to Connecting TermWeb to a Database for setting up and configuring the database.
In the file <tomcat-install>/webapps/termweb/WEB-INF/termweb.properties.sample
you will find settings that may have to be adjusted according to your environment. Rename this file to termweb.properties
and edit the values for termweb.home
, base.url
and work.dir
Please note
Prior to TermWeb v3.15, all changes to termweb.properties
requires a restart of TermWeb webapp or Tomcat to take effect.