Versions Compared


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TermWeb need more heap space than the 64MB that is allocated to the Java virtual machine by default. The recommended value is 512MB or higher, but it should not exceed the amount of physical RAM available.

To increase heap space memory in Linux installations:

The exact procedure for configuration is depending on Linux distribution. For a

CentOS /



  1. Edit /etc/tomcat/tomcat.conf .
  2. Add or modify the line containing JAVA_OPTS and set the value for -Xms and -Xmx.

    Code Block
    set JAVA_OPTS="-Xms=128m -Xmx512m"

Generic Tomcat installation

  1. In <tomcat-install>/bin, open the file, or create a new file if it doesn't exist.
  2. Add the line 
    export JAVA_OPTS="$JAVA_OPTS -Xms128m -Xmx512m" 


Restart Tomcat after the file is edited and saved. You can confirm that Tomcat has picked up the correct settings by running

Code Block
ps aux | grep java

and see that the


settings for -Xms and -Xmx


are as desired.

Database connection

When Tomcat is installed, please refer to Connecting to Connecting TermWeb to a Database for setting up and configuring the database.


Copy the termweb.war file to <tomcat><tomcat-install>/webapp . The war file is extracted automatically into <tomcat><tomcat-install>/webapps/termweb if Tomcat is running.

In the file <tomcat><tomcat-install>/webapps/termweb/WEB-INF/ you will find settings that may have to be adjusted according to your environment. Pay extra attention to the termweb.home, base.url and work.dir values.

titlePlease note

All Prior to TermWeb v 3.15, all changes to requires a restart of TermWeb webapp or Tomcat to take effect.
