Versions Compared


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Connect to using the credentials provided by InterverbumTech. Download the zip-archive for the desired TermWeb version. The archive contains the files termweb.war, createdb.sql, termweb.sql and termweb_sqlserver2005.sql.

Database setup

The default database name, user and login name, and password in the descriptions below can be replaced by other values. It is highly recommended to change the password for security reasons.


  1. Create the TermWeb database by opening a DOS prompt and enter the following:

    mysql -u root -p < createdb.sql

    This creates an empty database called termweb and a user termwebuser with password termwebpwd. The user name and password can be changed as desired. The user currently needs all permissions (except GRANT) in the database.

  2. Import the termweb.sql file to the database, by running the following at the DOS prompt:

    mysql -u termwebuser -p termwebpwd termweb < termweb.sql
  3. The database is now set up.


  1. Open SQL Server Management Studio and connect to the database server.

  2. Create a new database (right click on Databases -> New Database) and name it termweb.

  3. Create a new login (right click on Security -> New->Login) and name it termwebuser. Select SQL Server Authentication and enter termwebpwd as password.

  4. Create a user for the database (Databases->termweb->Security (right click) -> New -> User) and name it termwebuser. Enter termwebuser as Login name, and select Role Members db_datareader, db_datawriter and db_owner.

  5. Execute the termweb_sqlserver2005.sql file (File -> Open -> File, right click >Execute)

  6. The database is now set up.

Web application installation

Copy the termweb.war file to the webapp directory in Tomcat. The war file should be extracted automatically when Tomcat is restarted.


In the file <tomcat-installation>/webapps/termweb/WEB-INF/ you will find settings that may have to be adjusted according to your environment. For a standard environment the settings should be correct as they are.


Configuration for logging is configured in <tomcat-installation>/webapps/termweb/WEB-INF/ You may want to change the path to the log file (log4j.appender.logfile.file) if you want TermWeb to write its log file to logs directory in Tomcat.
