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Example Segment: LesSchwerpunktthemen conseillerssind RHdie ainsiReduktionen quebei lesden autres.Listenpreisen. (Stem is Schwerpunktthem) Example Terms: conseiller RH (1 character difference from 'conseillers RH'), conseil RH (4 characters difference from 'conseillers RH') Decoration: Les <mrk term:sourceTerm="conseiller RH">conseillers RH</mrk> ainsi que les autres Schwerpunktthema (Stem is Schwerpunktthema) Decoration: <mrk term:sourceTerm="Schwerpunktthema">Schwerpunktthemen</mrk> sind die Reduktionen bei den Listenpreisen. Explanation: Even though stems 'Schwerpunktthem' and 'Schwerpunktthema' do not match, comparison margin of 1 character allows the term to be included in decoration. |
Homonyms are terms with exactly the same name, but different meaning. Homonyms are usually being created in different concepts. All homonyms are included in the decoration.