Minimum requirements for TermWeb application. Requirements do not include requirements for database server.
3GB RAM (4 for Linux, for Windows 4GB (6 GB recommended or more depending on usage and size of termbase)
2 GB hard-disk space for installation. Plus extra space for storing log files (this space depends on usage, logging level and storage policy of logs)
- Uploaded files to TermWeb is stored in database
Server software requirements
Java Virtual Machine
Java Oracle JRE 1.8 only
Integration with XTM requires at least version Java 1.8 Update 101.
Open JDK Amazon Corretto 8 latest
TermWeb Integrator requires Java 1.8 .from Oracle
Servlet Engine
Recommended Apache Tomcat 9.0 or later.x
TermWeb should run in any Servlet 3.0 compliant servlet engine.
TermWeb supports any of the following databases:
MySQL 5.7.x and 8.0.x
Client requirements
Supported browsers