TermWeb OpenId Connect authentication supports only Authorization Code Flow with Authentication Method Basic and POST.

Example of configuration:

oidc.origin=<origin URL>
oidc.client.id=<client id>
oidc.client.secret=<client secret>
oidc.client.secret.basic=true (true to use Basic authentication, otherwise POST will be used)
oidc.basic.auth.preemptive=true (true when send Basic authentication header with first request)
oidc.auth.url=<authentication endpoint> (adds to <origin URL>)
oidc.token.url=<token endpoint> (adds to <origin URL>)
oidc.userdetails.url=<user details endpoint> (adds to <origin URL>)
oidc.scopes.requested=openid profile email
oidc.userdetails.field.client=termweb_client_name (field to identify client can be skipped when default client is configured)
oidc.userdetails.field.default.client=admin (when client name can't be retrieved from user details)
oidc.userdetails.field.user=preferred_username (field to identify user, stored as username in TermWeb)
oidc.autocreate.users=true (aut create user when it not exists)

In order to test authentication a user using OpenId Connect, you need to access the following URL:

<TermWeb URL>/login-oidc?origin=<origin URL>