These are the data objects that can be accessed and/or modified via the API.

Defines a client in the system.

idStringClient ID
nameStringClient login name
fullNameStringClient display name
activeBooleanTrue if the client is active
maxConcurrentUsersIntegerNumber of max concurrent user for this client. 0 if unlimited (limited by TermWeb license)
maxUserAccountsIntegerNumber of max user accounts for this client. 0 if unlimited (limited by TermWeb license)


   "__objtype": "Client",
   "id": "1073709059",
   "name": "admin",
   "fullName": "Administrator client",
   "active": true,
   "maxConcurrentUsers": 0,
   "maxUserAccounts": 0

Defines a concept entry.

XML-RPC object structure

idStringConceptEntry ID (internal use)
nameStringConcept ID value (visible in GUI)
conceptIDStringConcept ID value (visible in GUI)
dictionaryIDStringID of the dictionary to which the Concept belongs
sectionIDStringID of the concept's section
sectionNameStringName of the concept's section
domainIDsArray [String]IDs of domains for the concept
fieldsStruct [StringString]Map of field names to field values (concept level fields)
termsArray [TermEntry]Term objects in the concept entry
   "__objtype": "ConceptEntry",
   "id": "436",
   "name": "80",
   "conceptID": "80",
   "dictionaryID": "312",
   "sectionID": "329",
   "sectionName": "Animals",
   "domainIDs": [ ],
   "fields": [ ],
   "terms": [
     "__objtype": "TermEntry",
     "id": "437",
     "name": "fish",
     "termID": "80-2",
     "toBeDeleted": false,
     "conceptEntryID": "436",
     "dictionaryID": "312",
     "language": "eng",
     "fields": {
       "Process status": "finalized"
     "__objtype": "TermEntry",
     "id": "438",
     "name": "poisson",
     "termID": "80-4",
     "toBeDeleted": false,
     "conceptEntryID": "436",
     "dictionaryID": "312",
     "language": "fra",
     "fields": {
       "Gender": "masculine",
       "Process status": "finalized",
       "Part of speech": "noun"

Contains data about a dictionary in the system.

XML-RPC object structure

idStringDictionary ID
nameStringDictionary name
descriptionStringDescription text for the dictionary
conceptFieldsArray [Field]Array of concept level fields in the dictionary
termFieldsArray [Field]Array of term level fields in the dictionary
   "__objtype": "Dictionary",
   "id": "267514",
   "name": "My dictionary",
   "description": "My dictionary description",
               "conceptFields": [
                               "__objtype": "Field",
                               "id": "263539",
                               "name": "Definition",
                               "dataCat": "definition",
                               "dictionaryID": "263507",
                               "dataType": "NOTE_TEXT",
                               "required": false,
                               "minLen": 0,
                               "maxLen": 16383
               "termFields": [
                               "__objtype": "Field",
                               "id": "263567",
                               "name": "Part of speech",
                               "dataCat": "partOfSpeech",
                               "dictionaryID": "263507",
                               "dataType": "PICKLIST",
                               "picklist": [
                               "required": false,
                               "minLen": 0,
                               "maxLen": 16383
                               "__objtype": "Field",
                               "id": "263623",
                               "name": "Example",
                               "dataCat": "example",
                               "dictionaryID": "263507",
                               "dataType": "NOTE_TEXT",
                               "required": false,
                               "minLen": 0,
                               "maxLen": 16383
Contains data about a domain in a dictionary.

XML-RPC object structure

idStringDomain ID
nameStringDomain name
dictionaryIDStringID of dictionary to which the domain belongs
parentStringID of parent domain. 0 for a top level domain.
childrenArray [Domain]Array of subdomain objects to this domain.
   "__objtype": "Domain",
   "id": "1356",
   "name": "FOOD & AGRI",
   "dictionaryID": "1167",
   "parent": "0",
   "children": [
       "__objtype": "Domain",
       "id": "1357",
       "name": "agriculture",
       "dictionaryID": "1167",
       "parent": "1356",
       "children": []

XML-RPC object structure

idStringField ID
nameStringField name
dataCatStringData category. See DataCategory
dictionaryIDStringID for the dictionary to which the field belongs
dataTypeStringData type. See FieldDataType
picklistArray [String]Array of picklist values. Only set if dataType is PICKLIST
requiredBooleanTrue if the field is required to have a value
regExpStringRegular expression that the field value should match
minLenIntegerMinimum length for the field value
maxLenIntegerMaximum length for the field value
   "__objtype": "Field",
   "id": "263601",
   "name": "Usage status",
   "dataCat": "administrativeStatus",
   "dictionaryID": "263507",
   "dataType": "PICKLIST",
   "picklist": [
   "required": false,
   "minLen": 0,
   "maxLen": 16383

XML-RPC object structure

idStringFilter ID
nameStringFilter name
dictionaryIDStringID for the dictionary containing the filter
filterCriteriaArray [FilterCriteria]Array of filter criteria in the filter
   "__objtype": "Filter",
   "id": "4729661",
   "name": "Concept 36",
   "dictionaryID": "267514",
   "filterCriteria": [
     "__objtype": "FilterCriteria",
     "id": "4729683",
     "fieldID": "264306685",
     "comparison": "EQUALS",
     "value": "36",
     "logicalOp": "NOP",
     "relDate": false,
     "termStartCriteria": false

Contains information about a single criteria within a Filter.

XML-RPC object structure

idStringFilterCriteria ID
fieldIDStringID for the field containing the value to compare
comparisonStringThe comparison operator. See CriteriaComparison.
valueStringThe value to compare the field value against
logicalOpStringThe logical operator following this criteria. See CriteriaOperator.
relDateBooleanTrue if the criteria value represents a date relative to now
termStartCriteriaBooleanTrue if the criteria is the start of a term field criteria group in the filter
  "__objtype": "FilterCriteria",
  "id": "4729683",
  "fieldID": "264306685",
  "comparison": "EQUALS",
  "value": "36",
  "logicalOp": "NOP",
  "relDate": false,
  "termStartCriteria": false

Settings for imports of term data.

XML-RPC object structure

idStringImportSettings ID
nameStringImportSettings name
dictionaryIDStringID for the dictionary to which the import settings belong
userIDStringID for the user owning the import settings
conceptIDSyncStringHow concepts should be synchronized on conceptID. See ConceptSyncMethod for possible values.
indexTermSyncStringHow concepts should be synchronized on index term for a language. SeeConceptSyncMethod for possible values. If this value is different fromConceptSyncMethod.NO_SYNC it overrides the value for conceptIDSync.
termSyncStringHow terms should be synchronized within a concept. See TermSyncMethod for possible values.
publiclyVisibleBooleanTrue if the settings should be available for all users within the client.
indexTermLanguagesArray [String]Array of iso3 language codes used for synchronization of concepts when indexTermSync is used
affectedConceptFieldsArray [String]Array of IDs of concept level fields that may be modified by the import
affectedLanguagesArray [String]Array of iso3 codes for languages which may be modified by the import
sectionIDMapStruct [StringString]Map from section names in import file to section IDs in dictionary
conceptFieldIDMapStruct [StringString]Map from concept level field names in import file to concept field IDs in dictionary
termFieldIDMapStruct [String→String]Map from term level field names in import file to term field IDs in dictionary
languageIsoMapStruct [StringString]Map from language names/codes in import file to language iso3 codes in dictionary
   "__objtype": "ImportSettings",
   "id": "4731072",
   "name": "Merge import",
   "dictionaryID": "267514",
   "userID": "1073709057",
   "conceptIDSync": "DEFINITION",
   "indexTermSync": "MERGE",
   "termSync": "DEFINITION",
   "publiclyVisible": false,
   "indexTermLanguages": [
   "affectedConceptFields": [
   "affectedLanguages": [
   "sectionIDMap": {
      "Devices": "267552"
   "conceptFieldIDMap": {
      "Product": "1946608740",
      "Definition": "267518"
   "termFieldIDMap": {
      "Source": "2313788816",
      "Term ID": "2023876473"
   "languageIsoMap": {
      "English": "eng",
      "French": "fra",
      "German": "deu",
      "Korean": "kor",
      "Portuguese": "por"

Contains results of a validation of an import file.

XML-RPC object structure

fileFormatStringThe detected format of the import file
conceptCountMapStruct [String->Integer]Map from section names to number of concepts in each section
termCountIntegerTotal number of terms found in the file
sectionNamesArray [String]Array of section names found in the file that exist in the dictionary
missingSectionNamesArray [String]Array of section names found in file that do not exist in the dictionary
languageNamesArray [String]Array of names of languages found in file that exist in the dictionary
languageCodesArray [String]Array of iso3 codes of languages found in file that exist in the dictionary
missingLanguageCodesArray [String]Array of language codes found in the file that do not exist in the dictionary
conceptFieldNamesArray [String]Array of concept field names found in the file that exist in the dictionary
termFieldNamesArray [String]Array of term field names found in the file that exist in the dictionary
missingConceptFieldNamesArray [String]Array of concept field names found in the file that do not exist in the dictionary
missingTermFieldNamesArray [String]Array of term field names found in the file that do not exist in the dictionary
domainPathsArray [String]Array of domain name paths, each domain name in a path separated by semicolon
unresolvedIDsArray [String]Only for internal use
fatalErrorsArray [String]Array of fatal error messages found during validation
   "__objtype": "ImportValidationReport",
     "Section 1"
     "en", "fr"
     "eng", "fra"
     "context", "partOfSpeech"
     "relatedConceptBroader", "relatedConcept"

Data object for listing terms and search results. Contains the term name and IDs for the corresponding ConceptEntry and TermEntry.

termStringTerm name
conceptEntryIDStringID for the concept entry
termEntryIDStringID for the term entry
   "__objtype": "IndexTerm",
   "term": "fish",
   "conceptEntryID": "436",
   "termEntryID": "437"