These instructions will help you connect TermWeb to a MySQL database.

1. Configuring MySQL

MySQL should allow packet sizes at least the size of maximum file attachment size, by default 15000 KB.

The default max packet size is 1MB, and you can configure this in your MySQL configuration file by setting the property max_allowed_packet. See the MySQL manual for more information.

2. Create database

  1. Create the TermWeb database by opening a DOS prompt and enter the following:

    mysql -u root -p < createdb.sql

    This creates an empty database called termweb and a user termwebuser with password termwebpwd. The user name and password can be changed as desired. The user currently needs all permissions (except GRANT) in the database.

  2. Import the termweb.sql file to the database, by running the following at the DOS prompt:

    mysql -u termwebuser -ptermwebpwd termweb < termweb.sql

3. Copy the MySQL JDBC Driver to Tomcat

  1. Download the MySQL Connector/J JDBC driver from
  2. After unpacking the file you have downloaded, you will find a file called something like mysql-connector-java-5.1.x-bin.jar.
  3. Copy the file into <tomcat-install>/lib. 

    MySQL Connector/J v5.1.36 contains a bug which causes it not to work together with MySQL 5.0.x.

4. Configure a DataSource for TermWeb in Tomcat

  1. Edit <tomcat-install>/conf/context.xml.


  2. Within the Context tags, insert the DataSource Resource tag:

    <Resource name="jdbc/TermWebDS"
      validationQuery="Select 1"/>
    • If MySQL does not run on the same server as Tomcat, replace localhost in url with the name of the database server
    • If you named the database something else than termweb, replace termweb in url with your database name 
    • Replace termwebuser and termwebpwd in url with your database user and password.

(tick) Congratulations, you now have TermWeb connected to your SQL Server database.