Server hardware requirements

Minimum system requirements

Minimum requirements for TermWeb application. Requirements do not include requirements for database server.

Server software requirements

Java Virtual Machine

Open JDK Amazon Corretto 8 latest

Servlet Engine

Recommended Apache Tomcat 9.0.x

TermWeb should run in any Servlet 3.0 compliant servlet engine.

Database support

TermWeb supports any of the following databases:

Elasticsearch Server

For TermWeb 4.0.8 and earlier:

Elasticsearch 7.3+.x

Required: to disable CVE-2021-44228(log4shell) vulnerability set the Elasticsearch JVM option -Dlog4j2.formatMsgNoLookups=true and restart each node of the cluster, see documentation JVM option 3.0k

For TermWeb version 4.0.9:

Elasticsearch 7.16.x

In most cases for Elasticsearch process will be enough 1GB of RAM.
Only staging areas rely on elasticsearch, so there is no need to create failover setup with two nodes.

Install plugin for it bin/elasticsearch-plugin install analysis-icu

Client requirements

Supported browsers

Minimum requirements