These are the data objects that can be accessed and/or modified via the API.
Defines a client in the system.
Parameter | Type | Value |
__objtype | String | 'Client' |
id | String | Client ID |
name | String | Client login name |
fullName | String | Client display name |
active | Boolean | True if the client is active |
maxConcurrentUsers | Integer | Number of max concurrent user for this client. 0 if unlimited (limited by TermWeb license) |
maxUserAccounts | Integer | Number of max user accounts for this client. 0 if unlimited (limited by TermWeb license) |
{ "__objtype": "Client", "id": "1073709059", "name": "admin", "fullName": "Administrator client", "active": true, "maxConcurrentUsers": 0, "maxUserAccounts": 0 }
Defines a concept entry.
XML-RPC object structure
Parameter | Type | Value |
__objtype | String | 'ConceptEntry' |
id | String | ConceptEntry ID (internal use) |
name | String | Concept ID value (visible in GUI) |
conceptID | String | Concept ID value (visible in GUI) |
dictionaryID | String | ID of the dictionary to which the Concept belongs |
sectionID | String | ID of the concept's section |
sectionName | String | Name of the concept's section |
domainIDs | Array [String] | IDs of domains for the concept |
fields | Struct [String→String] | Map of field names to field values (concept level fields) |
terms | Array [ | Term objects in the concept entry |
{ "__objtype": "ConceptEntry", "id": "436", "name": "80", "conceptID": "80", "dictionaryID": "312", "sectionID": "329", "sectionName": "Animals", "domainIDs": [ ], "fields": [ ], "terms": [ { "__objtype": "TermEntry", "id": "437", "name": "fish", "termID": "80-2", "toBeDeleted": false, "conceptEntryID": "436", "dictionaryID": "312", "language": "eng", "fields": { "Process status": "finalized" } }, { "__objtype": "TermEntry", "id": "438", "name": "poisson", "termID": "80-4", "toBeDeleted": false, "conceptEntryID": "436", "dictionaryID": "312", "language": "fra", "fields": { "Gender": "masculine", "Process status": "finalized", "Part of speech": "noun" } } ] }
Contains data about a dictionary in the system.
XML-RPC object structure
Parameter | Type | Value |
__objtype | String | 'Dictionary' |
id | String | Dictionary ID |
name | String | Dictionary name |
description | String | Description text for the dictionary |
conceptFields | Array [ | Array of concept level fields in the dictionary |
termFields | Array [ | Array of term level fields in the dictionary |
{ "__objtype": "Dictionary", "id": "267514", "name": "My dictionary", "description": "My dictionary description", "conceptFields": [ { "__objtype": "Field", "id": "263539", "name": "Definition", "dataCat": "definition", "dictionaryID": "263507", "dataType": "NOTE_TEXT", "required": false, "minLen": 0, "maxLen": 16383 } ], "termFields": [ { "__objtype": "Field", "id": "263567", "name": "Part of speech", "dataCat": "partOfSpeech", "dictionaryID": "263507", "dataType": "PICKLIST", "picklist": [ "noun", "verb", "adjective", "adverb", "properNoun", "other" ], "required": false, "minLen": 0, "maxLen": 16383 }, { "__objtype": "Field", "id": "263623", "name": "Example", "dataCat": "example", "dictionaryID": "263507", "dataType": "NOTE_TEXT", "required": false, "minLen": 0, "maxLen": 16383 } ] }
Contains data about a domain in a dictionary.
XML-RPC object structure
Parameter | Type | Value |
__objtype | String | 'Domain' |
id | String | Domain ID |
name | String | Domain name |
dictionaryID | String | ID of dictionary to which the domain belongs |
parent | String | ID of parent domain. 0 for a top level domain. |
children | Array [ | Array of subdomain objects to this domain. |
{ "__objtype": "Domain", "id": "1356", "name": "FOOD & AGRI", "dictionaryID": "1167", "parent": "0", "children": [ { "__objtype": "Domain", "id": "1357", "name": "agriculture", "dictionaryID": "1167", "parent": "1356", "children": [] } }
XML-RPC object structure
Parameter | Type | Value |
__objtype | String | 'Field' |
id | String | Field ID |
name | String | Field name |
dataCat | String | Data category. See DataCategory |
dictionaryID | String | ID for the dictionary to which the field belongs |
dataType | String | Data type. See FieldDataType |
picklist | Array [String] | Array of picklist values. Only set if dataType is PICKLIST |
required | Boolean | True if the field is required to have a value |
regExp | String | Regular expression that the field value should match |
minLen | Integer | Minimum length for the field value |
maxLen | Integer | Maximum length for the field value |
{ "__objtype": "Field", "id": "263601", "name": "Usage status", "dataCat": "administrativeStatus", "dictionaryID": "263507", "dataType": "PICKLIST", "picklist": [ "preferred", "admitted", "notRecommended", "obsolete" ], "required": false, "minLen": 0, "maxLen": 16383 }
XML-RPC object structure
Parameter | Type | Value |
__objtype | String | 'Filter' |
id | String | Filter ID |
name | String | Filter name |
dictionaryID | String | ID for the dictionary containing the filter |
filterCriteria | Array [ | Array of filter criteria in the filter |
{ "__objtype": "Filter", "id": "4729661", "name": "Concept 36", "dictionaryID": "267514", "filterCriteria": [ { "__objtype": "FilterCriteria", "id": "4729683", "fieldID": "264306685", "comparison": "EQUALS", "value": "36", "logicalOp": "NOP", "relDate": false, "termStartCriteria": false } ] }
Contains information about a single criteria within a Filter
XML-RPC object structure
Parameter | Type | Value |
__objtype | String | 'FilterCriteria' |
id | String | FilterCriteria ID |
fieldID | String | ID for the field containing the value to compare |
comparison | String | The comparison operator. See CriteriaComparison . |
value | String | The value to compare the field value against |
logicalOp | String | The logical operator following this criteria. See CriteriaOperator . |
relDate | Boolean | True if the criteria value represents a date relative to now |
termStartCriteria | Boolean | True if the criteria is the start of a term field criteria group in the filter |
{ "__objtype": "FilterCriteria", "id": "4729683", "fieldID": "264306685", "comparison": "EQUALS", "value": "36", "logicalOp": "NOP", "relDate": false, "termStartCriteria": false }
Settings for imports of term data.
XML-RPC object structure
Parameter | Type | Value |
__objtype | String | 'ImportSettings' |
id | String | ImportSettings ID |
name | String | ImportSettings name |
dictionaryID | String | ID for the dictionary to which the import settings belong |
userID | String | ID for the user owning the import settings |
conceptIDSync | String | How concepts should be synchronized on conceptID. See ConceptSyncMethod for possible values. |
indexTermSync | String | How concepts should be synchronized on index term for a language. SeeConceptSyncMethod for possible values. If this value is different fromConceptSyncMethod.NO_SYNC it overrides the value for conceptIDSync . |
termSync | String | How terms should be synchronized within a concept. See TermSyncMethod for possible values. |
publiclyVisible | Boolean | True if the settings should be available for all users within the client. |
indexTermLanguages | Array [String] | Array of iso3 language codes used for synchronization of concepts when indexTermSync is used |
affectedConceptFields | Array [String] | Array of IDs of concept level fields that may be modified by the import |
affectedLanguages | Array [String] | Array of iso3 codes for languages which may be modified by the import |
sectionIDMap | Struct [String→String] | Map from section names in import file to section IDs in dictionary |
conceptFieldIDMap | Struct [String→String] | Map from concept level field names in import file to concept field IDs in dictionary |
termFieldIDMap | Struct [String→String] | Map from term level field names in import file to term field IDs in dictionary |
languageIsoMap | Struct [String→String] | Map from language names/codes in import file to language iso3 codes in dictionary |
{ "__objtype": "ImportSettings", "id": "4731072", "name": "Merge import", "dictionaryID": "267514", "userID": "1073709057", "conceptIDSync": "DEFINITION", "indexTermSync": "MERGE", "termSync": "DEFINITION", "publiclyVisible": false, "indexTermLanguages": [ "eng" ], "affectedConceptFields": [ "267518" ], "affectedLanguages": [ "deu" ], "sectionIDMap": { "Devices": "267552" }, "conceptFieldIDMap": { "Product": "1946608740", "Definition": "267518" }, "termFieldIDMap": { "Source": "2313788816", "Term ID": "2023876473" }, "languageIsoMap": { "English": "eng", "French": "fra", "German": "deu", "Korean": "kor", "Portuguese": "por" } }
Contains results of a validation of an import file.
XML-RPC object structure
Parameter | Type | Value |
__objtype | String | 'ImportValidationReport' |
fileFormat | String | The detected format of the import file |
conceptCountMap | Struct [String->Integer] | Map from section names to number of concepts in each section |
termCount | Integer | Total number of terms found in the file |
sectionNames | Array [String] | Array of section names found in the file that exist in the dictionary |
missingSectionNames | Array [String] | Array of section names found in file that do not exist in the dictionary |
languageNames | Array [String] | Array of names of languages found in file that exist in the dictionary |
languageCodes | Array [String] | Array of iso3 codes of languages found in file that exist in the dictionary |
missingLanguageCodes | Array [String] | Array of language codes found in the file that do not exist in the dictionary |
conceptFieldNames | Array [String] | Array of concept field names found in the file that exist in the dictionary |
termFieldNames | Array [String] | Array of term field names found in the file that exist in the dictionary |
missingConceptFieldNames | Array [String] | Array of concept field names found in the file that do not exist in the dictionary |
missingTermFieldNames | Array [String] | Array of term field names found in the file that do not exist in the dictionary |
domainPaths | Array [String] | Array of domain name paths, each domain name in a path separated by semicolon |
unresolvedIDs | Array [String] | Only for internal use |
fatalErrors | Array [String] | Array of fatal error messages found during validation |
{ "__objtype": "ImportValidationReport", "fileFormat":"TBX", "conceptCountMap":{}, "termCount":11, "sectionNames":[], "missingSectionNames":[ "Section 1" ], "languageNames":[ "en", "fr" ], "languageCodes":[ "eng", "fra" ], "missingLangCodes":[], "conceptFieldNames":[], "termFieldNames":[ "context", "partOfSpeech" ], "missingConceptFieldNames":[ "relatedConceptBroader", "relatedConcept" ], "missingTermFieldNames":[], "domainPaths":[], "unresolvedIds":[], "fatalErrors",[] }
Data object for listing terms and search results. Contains the term name and IDs for the corresponding ConceptEntry
and T
Parameter | Type | Value |
__objtype | String | 'IndexTerm' |
term | String | Term name |
conceptEntryID | String | ID for the concept entry |
termEntryID | String | ID for the term entry |
{ "__objtype": "IndexTerm", "term": "fish", "conceptEntryID": "436", "termEntryID": "437" }