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In order to use the SOAP Web Services, your TermWeb instance must have them enabled in the license. The System Administrator can check this in Admin View → License:

After making sure that the Web Services are enabled in the license, you can setup some properties in TermWeb to configure your services.

TermWeb Properties
# Specifies if TermWeb and API (XML-RPC or SOAP services) sessions can work simultaneously for the same user.
# Default: false

# Set the language code to ISO2 (639-1) for the API. This affects the return type of all language codes in the API.
# When reading a language code from the API into the system both language types ISO2 (639-1) and ISO3 (639-2/T) are handled
# Default: false

# Indication whether automatically created users will be client admins or single users.
# Default: true

# The name of the default group where automatically created single users will belong.
# This property does not apply in case created users are client admins. Group

# Option to update an existing concept instead of creating a new one when create concept method is called via the API.
# Specifically, when calling createFromJSON in concept endpoint, a check is being made if at least one of the concept's
# terms already exist in the database, in the section the concept is supposed to be added. If it exists, then the concept
# gets updated instead of creating a new one. Used to avoid concept/term duplicates when adding new terms via the API.
# Default: false

# When using web services to get a decoration for a segment, there is a limit to how many terms are included in each
# term search. First these terms are being acquired in the order that they appear in the term list and from these terms,
# the ones matching the segment part are being kept to be included in the decoration. Default limit is 200.
# A quick test would be to write the first word of the term you wish to see in the decoration in TermWeb search and
# see if the term you wish to see appears in the first page of the list. If not, then you need to increase this
# limit to make it appear.
# Default: 200

# The limit of characters in a stem, where the segment word should be considered for the decoration.
# Default: 1

# The margin of characters allowed to be different at the end of a stem during stem comparison in decoration.
# The default value is 0 and it means that the stems need to be 100% identical.
# Default: 0

# Handles hashtag terms as normal terms. Includes them in decoration for segments that contain or not, the hashtag.

# Handles some tags as spaces. (ph, t). This is an unstable feature. Not recommended.
# Default: false

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