Release Notes
Release Notes
New Features
- [TWDESK-603] - Added property api.handle.space.tags, that handles <ph/> and <t/> tags as spaces in decoration.
- [TWDESK-321] - Searching additional dictionaries including ones with NOT APPLICABLE language also as non admin user.
Fixed issues
- [TWDESK-651] - Cross-references remain after target concept is deleted.
- [TWDESK-871] - Add Filipino (fil) ISO-639-2 + change Volap�k to Volapük.
Fixed issues
- [TWDESK-574] - Fixed errors with XTM integration regarding decoration issues.
- [TWDESK-689] - Fixed issue when importing/exporting from MultiTerm regarding language codes.
- [TWDESK-706] - Fixed issue when term in termweb has hashtag and don't gets decorated in XTM editor.
- [TWDESK-714] - Fixed issue when user is deleted from database but exist in memory cache problem.
New Features
- [XTM-12] - Added the parameter req_id to the OpenID request in order to support XTM portal.
- [TWDESK-694] - Fixed error when a cached search option is stored in user properties with a non-existent id
- [TWDESK-701] - Added dictionary and section name in decoration fields
Fixed issues
- [TWDESK-680] - Fixed decoration when selecting sections in the API template
- [TWDESK-608] - Added an extra check and re-initialization, when trying to access a user's search settings
- [TWDESK-648] - Updated authentication endpoint logs to debug level, in order to avoid huge log files.
- [TWDESK-276] - Fixed issue where deleted concepts are being logged as skipped during export (Excel and MultiTerm)
- [TWDESK-652] - Added more detailed logging when session timeouts are being processed
Fixed issues
- [TWDESK-631] - Fixed right column appearance, when applying a workflow that changes the style of the term
- [TWDESK-653] - Fixed error in multi-field search when selecting/deselecting picklist fields
- [TW-1687] - Fixed error that occurs when exporting TBX or Multiterm with fields that contain control characters (ASCII 0-31)
- [TWDESK-531] - Pre-function workflow calls for edit term apply now to a single term
- [TWDESK-401] - Constructing restart session link from base URL property in order to cover cases where auto-redirect to HTTPS is not configurable (Heroku)
Fixed issues
- [TWDESK-276] - Fixed issue where deleted concepts are being logged as skipped during export (TBX)
- [TWDESK-626] - Fixed error when copying a term which contains a field that has a custom style
- [TWDESK-637] - Fixed issue when creating new Client in PorstgreSQL
- [TWDESK-325] - Filter hyperlinks (session-specific or not) are now switching to search view before applying filter
- [TW-1686] - Improvements of the export process to deal with invalid data cases
- [TWDESK-479] - Refactored the decoration process to prioritize upon the longest term even in non-100% match cases
- [TWDESK-316] - Added a disabled button icon and functionality to the Term level edit, so as when it is not permitted to change a term in other languages the plus button is disabled.
- [TWDESK-594] - Changed login info in the forgot password page 'User login' to 'User name'.
Fixed issues
- [TWDESK-601] - Fixed cases where terms do not appear in the second column of the dual term list
- [TW-1679] - Optimized performance when filtering with sections
- [TWDESK-552] - Updated definition of error codes
- [TWDESK-574] - New property that allows a comparison margin between stems in decoration
Fixed issues
- [TWDESK-533] - Fixed error when copying a dictionary with workflows containing field change conditions
New features
- Termlist can now display two languages side-by-side
- Possible to search two languages at the same time
- Support for search with double-byte or single-byte characters
- Highlighting of term in termlist
- Possible to apply multiple filters at once
- Option for enabling/disabling visited term checkmark
Fixed issues
- [TW-1491] - Exception when clicking attachment thumbnail
- [TW-1660] - Add support for mpeg4 in attachment types
- [TW-1647] - Option for keeping search content when changing source language
Fixed issues
- [TW-1638] - Postgres SQL statement fixes
- [TW-1637] - SQL server support for dual term list
- [TW-1634] - Additional API Tests
- Gridview is empty for some users
- [TWDESK-417] - Postgre SQL statements fix for multi field search
- [TWDESK-408] - Support for m4a attachment files
- [TWDESK-411] - Addition of region name to language code
Fixed issues
Fixed issues
- [TW-317] - Grid view allows user to edit term status even if workflow does not allow it
- [TW-1582] - Crash when switching clients from user editing
- [TW-1583] - Sysadmin can select additional clients for multiple users
- Workflow copy fix when parameters are missing
Fixed issues
- [TW-1347] - API calls does not close DB connections properly causing Tomcat to hang
- [TW-1556] - Crash when synching from Excel file
- [TW-1557] - Concept ID is not imported in quick import
- [TW-1559] - Fix connection create/close mismatch from DBConnectionUtil
New features
- Reminder emails in workflows can now be sent as digests
New features
- API 2.10: Language variant information is now included in the TermEntry objects returned from API
Fixed issues
- [TW-1519] - API method suggest should return the conceptID
- [TW-1523] - Export and Import settings visibility not working
- [TW-1526] - API suggest method does not save variants
- [TW-1527] - Not possible to send notification mail to new users
Fixed issues
- [TW-1515] - Deleted concepts not synchronized by TermWebIntegrator
- [TW-1517] - Mapping of languages not done automatically for MultiTerm XML import
- [TW-1518] - Exporting multiple sections to same sheet in Excel may give too many columns error
New features
- New option to force a user to change password at next login
- User is now sent a link to set password in email from user creation
- Unsupported languages Latin and Multilingual are removed from exported XDT file
- Workflow email digests are no longer using scheduled jobs
Fixed issues
- [TW-1493] - Deleting domain may stop user from logging in
- [TW-1498] - Integrator does not write suggestions from MultiTerm to TermWeb
- [TW-1505] - Duplicate scheduled jobs for workflow digests
- [TW-1507] - Permalink with guest autologin shows concept from different client
- [TW-1510] - Relation graph not visible in German GUI
- [TW-1511] - Not possible to edit reminder email in project if it has been given a condition on user group.
- [TW-1512] - Not possible to get dictionary by name via API
New features
- Metadata fields are included for concept and term exported from API method exportAllConcepts (TBX format)
- Relation graph now checks TBX usage status field to select which term to display for an entry
Fixed issues
- [TW-1474] - File Repository contents not shown to admin
- [TW-1477] - Crash when retrieving dictionaries in API and client and server version are different
- [TW-1482] - "Server not available" - Crash when saving changes in grid view
- [TW-1485] - Warning for sheet limit in Excel export even if no concept is written to them
- [TW-1487] - Warning for sort field missing in Excel export even if no sorting selected
- [TW-1488] - Display UTF-8 characters in attached file names in feedback
New features
- Redesigned GUI for import and export settings
- Permalinks for filters
- Support for Java 1.8
- Approved terms listed in a column to the left of other terms in Excel exports
- Possible to export term data from all sections into a single Excel sheet
- Number of concept entries are displayed for dictionaries and sections
- Possible to delete all concept entries in a dictionary or section without deleting the dictionary or section itself
- API: User data can now be retrieved
- API: Field structure is now included in Dictionary objects
- API: Possible to retrieve metadata for objects
Fixed issues
- [TW-1061] - Not possible to log in after copying of dictionary
- [TW-1259] - Non-latin characters are not written correctly in dictionary definition export to TBX
- [TW-1272] - Fwd: "character 31 is not allowed in output" on termbase export
- [TW-1305] - Error screen when clicking unresolvable external link
- [TW-1403] - Filter remains selected even after dictionary change in API
- [TW-1404] - Domain remains selected even after dictionary change in API
- [TW-1405] - API setSelected(null) does not work for Domain
- [TW-1406] - API getSelected crashes for domain if domain list is null or empty
- [TW-1409] - Id field missing for filter criteria in API
- [TW-1410] - Crash when updating import setting in API
- [TW-1412] - Remove prettyprint formatting for TBX in exportAllConcepts
- [TW-1418] - Misspelling "occured" in workflow send email editor
- [TW-1421] - Term "EF" not found when searching
- [TW-1423] - No check for empty external link
- [TW-1424] - Unable to open file repository selector in external editor if url field is blank
- [TW-1425] - Terms not exported when filtering on parent domain
- [TW-1427] - Exception for API method getSelected for Dictionary if no dictionary is available for user
- [TW-1437] - Crash when sorting virtual files on type
- [TW-1438] - Crash when sorting clients on users
- [TW-1468] - Crash in API suggest method for XML with non-existing language
- [TW-1276] - Display warning when saving Excel export setting if selected sort field is not included in term level fields for export
- [TW-1366] - Add support for Java 1.8
- [TW-1381] - Change all bit fields to tinyint
- [TW-1392] - Export settings should be listed in columns
- [TW-1402] - Return API methods alphabetically from system.listMethods
- [TW-1407] - Return filter list alphabetically from API
- [TW-1408] - Add uptime data in logs
- [TW-1411] - User should be able to retrieve field definition in API
- [TW-1415] - Implement existsByName method for ImportSettings
- [TW-1417] - Display number of concepts for each dictionary in dictionary list
- [TW-1426] - Implement existsByName method for Section
- [TW-1428] - Possibility to include dictionary name in Excel export
- [TW-1429] - Activate filter from permalink
- [TW-1430] - Allow external URLs with IDs to handle long values
- [TW-1433] - Delete all concept from a section
- [TW-1434] - Delete all concepts from a dictionary
- [TW-1435] - Possibility to include section name in Excel export
- [TW-1436] - Add option to export section per sheet or in one sheet for Excel
- [TW-1439] - Modify dictionary list to display description in hover popup
- [TW-1443] - Display number of concepts for each section in section list
- [TW-1445] - Implement API methods for user objects
- [TW-1458] - Add metadata when retrieveing TimestampedObjects in API
- [TW-1462] - Accept properties for type class name argument
Fixed issues
- [TW-1395] - Not possible to copy concepts from MultiTerm to TermWeb with TermWebIntegrator
- [TW-1396] - Exception when getting changed concepts for TermWebIntegrator with SQL Server
- [TW-1398] - Sometimes crashing when copying concept
Fixed issues
- [TW-1380] - Database field too small for group email addresses in send mail function
- [TW-1383] - Scheduled job not running
- [TW-1384] - Exception when saving job result
- [TW-1385] - Mails may be lost in sending if Amazon SES limits are reached
- [TW-1387] - Duplicate recipient addresses should be removed from messages
- [TW-1388] - Email from feedback that cannot be sent is stuck in resend loop
- [TW-1389] - Cannot send mail from feedback via Amazon SES if sender domain is not approved
- [TW-1390] - Excel export crashes if more than 255 sections are included in export
- TWDESK-45 - Language variant only written for first language in Excel export
- TWDESK-69 - User group condition in workflow has operator CONTAINS instead of EQUALS
- [TW-1382] - Poor performance when displaying scheduled jobs page with many jobs and results
- [TW-1391] - Only export sections with concepts in Excel
Fixed issues
- [TW-1371] - Selected columns in HTML email report are not copied when copying workflow to another dictionary
- [TW-1372] - License form is not displayed if user already has login page visible
- [TW-1373] - Crash in export if export file name is shorter than 3 characters
Fixed issues
- [TW-1367] - API getConcept returns HTML entities for entry field data
- [TW-1369] - DataNotFoundException can occur in API update method for concept
- [TW-1370] - Crash in search view if nonexisting concept is requested
New features
Possible to specify a directory in environment variable TERMWEB_HOME and store properties and custom layout files there
Changes in termweb.properties are picked up automatically
Fixed issues
- [TW-1341] - Use TermWeb home directory for saving properties files
- [TW-1342] - Store custom files in home directory
- [TW-1357] - Detect changes to termweb.properties and reload config
- [TW-1315] - Changes in Administrator tools - Password strength does not affect Change password
- [TW-1332] - Concept relation editor shows only subset of terms in list
- [TW-1355] - Update from 3.5 to 3.14.4 fails
- [TW-1356] - Crash when variant is selected in search and additional dictionary is selected
- [TW-1358] - Crash in search view when rendering relations
- [TW-1359] - Selected columns in HTML email report are not copied when copying dictionary
- [TW-1361] - Languages in HTML report editor are not sorted according to dictionary definition
- [TW-1362] - Crash when displaying concept with relation to deleted concept
- [TW-1364] - Concept cache not writable to disk due to NamedObjectSelectionModel
- [TW-1365] - NullPointer in permission scheme manager
Fixed issues
- [TW-1271] - Crash when attachment exists in field hidden by view
- [TW-1334] - Variable expansion not working in HTML digest emails from workflows
- [TW-1339] - System hangs
- [TW-1343] - Crash when variant stored in user's search setting has been deleted
- [TW-1344] - Deadlock in db connections
- [TW-1345] - Variant data not included in TBX for API method exportAllConcepts
- [TW-1346] - Variant data not included in TBX for API method exportConceptChanges
- [TW-1348] - Immediate crash after login can give login time after logout time
- [TW-1349] - Crash for filter when indexing
- [TW-1350] - No support for geographicalUsage and orthograhicalVariant in suggest method in API
- [TW-1353] - Sometimes domain changes are not detected in grid view
- [TW-1354] - Not possible to create domains using Chrome
Fixed issues
- [TW-1338] - Concept cache not writable to disk
Fixed issues
- [TW-1336] - Crash when displaying termlist
Fixed issues
- [TW-1302] - Memory leak in scheduled job execution
- [TW-1324] - TBX file in UTF-8 BOM not recognized in Quick import
- [TW-1325] - Fields "source" and "source of context" not available in export settings
- [TW-1326] - Concept cache crashes when writing concept to disk
- [TW-1327] - Custom language names are displayed incorrectly in Custom term visibility editor
- [TW-1328] - Email with illegal address should be removed from mail queue
- [TW-1329] - User details allows email address starting with colon
- [TW-1330] - No email validation when importing users
- [TW-1331] - Missing terms in termlist when dictionary contains many identical terms
New features
- License management
- Added "Select all" options for languages in Custom view
Fixed issues
- TW-824: Check for term duplicates when saving from gridview if duplicate check is enabled
- TW-1310: Incorrect parsing of concepts in TBX import when <transac> tags are present
- TW-1311: Line breaks lost in HTML email from workflow
- TW-1312: Indicate which fields are required due to workflow validations
- TW-1313: Workflow validation error causes concepts not being saved in gridview
- TW-1314: Excel import does not recognize EN, ENG-GB or en_GB as language codes
- TW-1316: Not possible to import TBX file with language codes in upper case
- TW-1318: Show only date part for filter criterias with relative dates
- TW-1319: TBX import cannot import file with <ntig>
- TW-1320: TBX file is not identified if <martif> tag contains line breaks
- TW-1321: Region and script field not possible to set read-only by workflow
- TW-1322: Domain field not possible to set read-only by workflow
, multiple selections available,
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