Available External Links
Available External Links
There are external links that can be used to redirect to specific application states. These links and examples on how to use them are explained below.
Name | External Link | Description | Example |
Concept/Term Permalink | [TermWeb URL]/view/[Concept Oid (Base32)]/[Term Oid (Base32)] | Redirects to a specific concept and term | http://localhost:8080/termweb/view/10sr9/10sra |
Concept/Term Permalink | [TermWeb URL]/view/L[Concept Oid (long)]/L[Term Oid (long)] | Redirects to a specific concept and term | http://localhost:8080/termweb/view/L1078121/L1078122 |
Concept Permalink | [TermWeb URL]/view/[Concept Oid (Base32)] | Redirects to a specific concept | http://localhost:8080/termweb/view/10sr9 |
Concept Permalink | [TermWeb URL]/view/L[Concept Oid (long)] | Redirects to a specific concept | http://localhost:8080/termweb/view/L1078121 |
Filter Permalink | [TermWeb URL]/filter/[Filter Oid (Base32)] | Redirects to a specific filter | http://localhost:8080/termweb/filter/1dl0g |
Filter Permalink | [TermWeb URL]/filter/L[Filter Oid (long)] | Redirects to a specific filter | http://localhost:8080/termweb/filter/L1496080 |
Login URL | [TermWeb URL]/login/ | Forces logout and redirects to login page | http://localhost:8080/termweb/login/ |
Openid Login URL | [TermWeb URL]/login-openid/[???] | Forces logout and redirects to login page via OpenId | http://localhost:8080/termweb/login-openid/??? |
Search URL | [TermWeb URL]/search\[search expression] | Runs an external search | http://localhost:8080/termweb/search\[search_expression] |
Edit URL | [TermWeb URL]/edit/[session id]/[concept Oid (long)] | Opens concept editor from external client | http://localhost:8080/termweb/edit/[session_id]/1078121 |