

Connecting to the API

These are the steps to use the API:

  1. Connect to the API
  2. Create a new session for a user
  3. Call the desired methods, passing the session ID as argument
  4. Close the session

Connection example

The TermWeb API is configured at the URI /termweb/api by default, so if your TermWeb is installed at http://myserver.example.com/termweb the API is found at http://myserver.example.com/termweb/api.

The TermWeb API uses the prefix termwebapi2 for all methods.

The API URI can be modified in the web.xml file. See Getting started.

Example code

Connect to the TermWeb server:


Create a new session for guest user:

<?xml version="1.0"?>


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

Close the session:

<?xml version="1.0"?>


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

Session and version methods

MethodDescriptionReturnsReturn type
initSession()Creates a new session for a Guest user with auto-login enabled.SessionIDstring
initSession(clientLogin)Creates a new session for the guest user for specified client login.SessionIDstring
initSession(clientLogin, userLogin, password)Creates a new session for the specified client login, user name and password.SessionIDstring
close()Closes a session (logs out user) on the server.0int
getApiVersion()Returns the version of the API from the server.The version stringstring
getTermWebVersion()Returns the TermWeb version from the server.The version stringstring

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